Focus Research Areas
Changes have offered opportunities for Cambodia and countries in the region to prosper together, which is facilitated and supported by academic and policy research. With a wide ranking and high quality expertise, CSIP works on projects and activities through five main programme units, representing the five main thematic areas of work.
Human & Social Development
- Education, science & technology
- Water & sanitation
- Health & nutrition
- Poverty reduction &gender
Macroeconomy & Economics
- Macroeconomics
- Monetary and finance policy
- Digital economy & 4th industrial revolutions
- Trade & industrialization
- Agriculture & rural development
Private Sector Development
- SME & entrepreneurship
- Industry & market research
International Studies
- Megatrends, & political economy
- ASEAN, US, China, Japan & EU study
Climate Change & Smart City
- Climate change & environmental impact assessment
- Waste management
- Urban planning